The Inter House Sportsmeet 2024 was gracefully held on Tuesday 09th of April 2024 at the District Sports Complex, Dadella. The Chief Guest of this momentous occasion was Major Gen. R A J N  Ranasinghe RSP USP ndc - Genaral Officer Commanding- 61 Division, Army Camp, Boossa. The Guest of Honor of this event was Ms. L L Thiruni Udeshika - Water Resources Management Specialist at the World Bank.

Moreover, Rev. Mother Deepthika De silva, Mother Superior of Sacred Heart Convent, Rev. Sr. Sandya Fernando, our beloved Principal  , Rev. Sr. Mihiri Perera ,The Deputy Principal were also present to grace this occasion.

Some other Rev. Sisters, Rev. Fathers, the academic and non -academic staff, our dear parents and sister Heartians were also present at this graceful event.

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